Group of Marxist–Leninists/Red Dawn

Group of Marxist–Leninists/Red Dawn (in Dutch: Groep van Marxisten-Leninisten/Rode Morgen) is a maoist group in the Netherlands. GML/Rode Morgen was founded in 1977, as a merger of different groups of individuals expelled from the Communist Unity Movement of the Netherlands (marxist-leninist) (KEN(ml)), namely the so-called 'Group of Three', 'Group of Five' and 'Group of Six'. Most of these had been expelled in 1976. At the time of its foundation it had around 25 members. Erik van Ree became the political secretary. Van Ree left the organization in 1981. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam.

GML was active during the 1979 Rotterdam port strike. Its most famous member and part of the party leadership was probably Paul Rosenmöller, later a known GreenLeft leader. In 2007 the weekly magazine HP/De Tijd analyzed the involvement of this organisation and Rosenmöller with Pol Pots Khmer Rouge.[1] Although the Khmer Rouge crimes against humanity were publicized in the Western press as early as 1977 the group remained loyal to the Khmer Rouge and were involved in propaganda and fund raising. According to HP, Rosenmöller to this day denies any ties to the Pol Pot regime.

GML publishes Rode Morgen.


  1. ^ Collecteren voor Pol Pot Roelof Bouwman HP/de Tijd 17 August 2007

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